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by Dubsnatch Team October 04, 2023
Anime girls and waifus have many types of personalities that can also be found in manga and some comics.
Some are lovely, some are selfish, some are straightforward, and others are just scary!
But the most important is that all these have unique behaviors making them memorable.
Their personalities are often sorted into small categories.
Many of these characters fall into dere types.
It is a common term helping fans know which kind of person is their favorite character.
And often, this classification makes more sense in understanding your favorite anime character's actions.
This article covers non-less than 30 anime girls' different personalities with all their specificities.
A waifu is a fan-based term for a character in an anime or manga that is considered to be the favorite one among all anime girls.
It is often a personal choice, but the community loves to talk about waifu material to describe a potential new favorite fictive girlfriend.
The choice usually comes from various criteria, including looks, personality, fighting style, and relativity to the plot.
Interestingly, a waifu usually refers to girls only and not boys characters that fancy their own term as husbando.
Dere is simply a way to categorize different characters' personalities.
These stereotypes are then sorted into dere types.
It mostly refers to Japanese terms giving each dere archetype a special sense.
In particular, it tends to refer to characters as they gain or pursue romantic interests, even if that also applies to friendship.
Their responses to their surging emotions reflect their type of personality.
Here we will cover the list of 30 existing dere tropes out there, as well as a common anime girl for each one!
Beware of spoilers!
Deredere characters are simply energetic, cute, adorable characters.
They're often fun-loving and simply want their love interest to have a good time with them.
In short, they're one of the more normal and acceptable tropes that would be found in a real person.
Inoue Orihime from Bleach fits this trope, as she doesn't mind what happens as far as her relationship.
Obviously, it will affect her emotions, but it doesn't control her life.
She certainly won't be violent towards her love interest or anyone else.
Tsunderes are one of the most popular personality types out there, spanning many genders and genres.
They tend to be cold at first and reserved.
But as the person slowly falls in love, they can reveal their soft side.
This appeals to people who appreciate someone who doesn't like anyone else except them.
A famous tsundere is Taiga Aisaka in Toradora!
She takes the trope to its extreme, becoming violent towards her love interest for no reason other than the inability to handle her own emotions.
She's extremely hot-headed and outspoken.
A kanedere is, in short, a gold digger.
They're attracted to those around them who have money or high status.
They typically ignore or brush off other potential love interests.
Sometimes these characters change once they truly fall in love with someone.
Ami Kawashima from Toradora! Is a well-known kanedere.
Kuuderes are often treated by other characters as if they have no emotions.
Their faces tend not to betray their feelings, nor their voice, nor their actions.
They seem to have a moral code entirely to themselves, acting on it without asking permission to do so.
Some characters resent this, believing them to be robotic or cruel.
In reality, they're simply hiding their true emotions about a scenario.
These characters have many variations.
One of the best known is Angel from Angel Beats!
A byoukidere is a type of character who is simply sick and typically has a rather sweet, shy personality.
They may have issues with mobility, leading other characters' savior complexes to act up.
One notable exception to the shy trope would be Yui from Angel Beats!
Though fitting in the category, she's extremely outspoken and rambunctious once she's able to be.
Dandere characters are very quiet, typically anxious about their words being misinterpreted.
They're highly vulnerable and usually given arcs revolving around their self-esteem.
Once they feel comfortable, they may gush their feelings out all at once, earning various reactions from their love interest.
Typically, these characters have a hard time expressing their feelings and thoughts to anyone around them.
Yuki Nagato in Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu is a notable member.
An oujodere is a good character.
They tend to be mature and sweet.
They're definitely one of the more realistic archetypes.
Some are picky or a bit stuck-up, but overall they're kind.
Nadeshiko Fujisaki from Shugo Chara is an oujodere.
Nemuidere is a napping character, as in, she sleeps.
A lot.
Most of her energy is dedicated to her favorite past-time, which is catching snoozes.
Some are lazy, some get bored easily, and others are simply shown when they can doze.
Shiki Maboro from Nanana's Buried Treasure fits this trope.
Yandere characters were made famous by Yuno Gasai herself, from Future Diary.
Within the show, she develops an obsession with Yukiteru Amano.
At first, she appears to be sweet and charming.
Over time, her attraction to him develops into violence towards anyone she believes might be into him.
It is a staple behavior of yanderes.
While unacceptable in real life, within the realm of anime stories, they fit into a trope wherein the protagonist is subjected to her whims.
She gains complete control over the other party and eliminates anyone else who may become a problem.
Yanderes are actually one of the more popular archetypes out there, spanning from anime over to games.
A good example is found in Doki Doki Literature Club, but that includes some heavy spoilers so check out the game!
A mayadere may begin the series as a dangerous antagonist.
Over time, however, they switch sides, becoming a sort of hero.
It tends to occur after they've met their love interest or an essential character, which helps them change their ways.
They are often replaced by another villain who may have worse morals or greater power.
Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail is a mayadere who switches over eventually.
Himederes live to be worshipped.
They want to be treated like royalty, regardless of their actual status as such.
They are often demanding, bossy, and exceedingly rude.
Sometimes they go through a redemption arc where their behavior is changed.
They often simply tone down their demands ever so slightly for the love interest, not for anyone else.
This version is specifically feminine, meaning that the characters involved have a princess complex.
Erina Nakiri from Food Wars! is a good example, literally seeing herself on a thone within the show.
A bakadere describes a personality that is, well, rather moronic.
While cute or affectionate, the character tends to be an airhead.
They're also very innocent and clumsy.
Storylines including these characters often feature secondhand embarrassment.
One of the famous examples is Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon.
She's adorable and a functional magical girl, but she often makes silly mistakes when it comes to romance.
Truly, she just gets flustered!
But that's funny to watch!
Nyandere characters are cats or have a cat-like feature to them.
It may include cat ears, sounds similar to felines, or habits like a cat.
Blair from Soul Eater and Ichigo Momomiya from Tokyo Mew Mew are both variations of this trope.
The hajidere is a relatively simple trope for a waifu.
She may act perfectly normal around her friends and family.
But once she's around her love interest, and only then, she becomes embarrassed or flustered.
So the love interest tends to only see them as being shy.
Chiyo Sakura from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is said to fit this trope.
Yottadere characters are, in short, alcoholics.
They tend to be seen with a drink in hand, they know a lot about alcohol, and they're usually uninhibited.
Yasuko Takasu from Toradora is an obvious choice, as drinking is literally part of her job.
Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail is known for being able to outdrink others.
A bodere is someone so shy that she becomes aggressive towards their love interest, but usually in short spurts.
This trope leads to many humorous moments since the waifu can be perfectly normal and sweet until she becomes flustered, at which point she lashes out.
This seeming mood switch can also be used as a way to fluster other characters around them, leading to miscommunication or deep confessions.
Hiyori Iki from Noragami is one of the well-known characters who have a few good bodere moments.
She is typically the logical friend in her group.
However, when she starts to blush, she tends to blurt out whatever is on her mind or attack her friends.
A bocchandere is a character who is a member of some organization, usually a criminal.
Because of this status, bocchandere characters are considered powerful and dangerous.
Their reputation alone is often enough to back up this idea, making the love interest understand that they are not someone to be trifled with.
Danganronpa games feature one such waifu called Natsumi Kuzuryu, as well as a husbando, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu.
Both have criminal organization ties, causing a power imbalance almost instantly.
A dorodere is a scary character trope.
Within it, the character acts kind, sweet, and adoring.
But in reality, they are a twisted individual with horrible plans for those around them.
They are often unhinged and relatively unpredictable since their motives remain unknown to the love interest and often the audience as well.
Their disturbing tendencies are only revealed through unfortunate events or careful planning, and there's usually a cost.
That being said, unlike yanderes, doroderes tend to have more control over their acts.
They're less willing to hurt members of their love interest's friend group or family.
To this end, they're more reserved and kind.
Sato's Aunt in Happy Sugar Life is revealed to be a dorodere.
In short, the goudere worships their love interest, attempting to garner unnecessary gifts or treatments.
While the love interest may explain that this is not ideal, the goudere finds it to be acceptable and correct.
Sometimes this gets the love interest into trouble.
They act on their own, not needing to be told what to do or even to be said anything.
Teruhasi Kokomi often acts this way towards Saiki in Saiki Kusuo No Sai Nan.
Hiyakasudere characters like to tease those around them, making fun of them while also remaining lighthearted and entertaining to be around.
Holo from Spice and Wolf is one of the most well-known examples out there.
She likes to rile up her love interest, making them flustered.
But at the end of the day, she's still kind and caring.
An inudere is a character with a particular relation with mostly everything that looks like dogs.
Inudere tropes usually act as dogs themselves or feature some dog-like particularities on them, like puppy ears or tails.
A kamidere has a god complex.
The definition of a god complex is that someone believes they are equal to a god, meaning deserving of worship, attention, money, and services.
Kamideres believe themselves to be perfect, so they're often arrogant characters.
Their pride is often their downfall within the plot.
The kamideres that are perhaps more appreciated have a lot of pride but retain respect for their fellows.
Mio Isurugi from MM! is said to be a kamidere.
Kekkondere characters are a bit extreme in their relationships expectations.
They want to get married soon after meeting someone else!
It is not a terribly popular trope, likely due to its stunning nature.
These characters are too direct for a miscommunication plot and too outspoken to be deferred by other love interests.
They tend to be obsessed with marriage.
Yuno Gasai from Future Diary is technically a yandere but a kekkondere as well.
Kitikudere characters are specifically violent towards their love interest.
While viewers adore them, the character will run across the screen, punching their love interest in the face.
It is literally how they show their affection.
That being said, they tend to be trusty and dependable, even putting themselves in danger when necessary.
This is especially true if their love interest is involved.
Revy from "Black Lagoon" is a great example of this.
While she literally fights her love interest numerous times, she saves their lives.
She simply has a brash, angry personality and doesn't bother hiding it from the other party.
Megadere characters are personal fans of whoever is the object of their obsession.
They don't want to be far from their 'love' and worship them in the sense of how one worships celebrities.
They are loyal, but they're also a bit unhinged.
Their life revolves around getting the attention of the one they like.
Nana Komatsu fits pretty well this trope!
An onidere is a dark character with a somewhat bright side that only shows up when alone with their love interest.
They love to play with other people's feelings, treat them like a scumbag, and misbehave in front of them but turn lovely after some time has passed and nobody's looking.
Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell in Gabriel DropOut fits the onidere trope.
A sadodere enjoys playing with their love interest, meaning that they are extremely manipulative.
They tend to enjoy getting their love interest flustered or even other characters.
Sadodere characters don't tend to have a lot of empathy, but they are incredibly protective when pushed to it.
Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live is one of the best known.
She manipulates the protagonist and appears to flirt with him but then switches up her actions towards him time and time again.
Get it?
Shundere characters are depressed.
They begin the series as crushed characters.
They can eventually feel accepted but typically won't be smiley or outgoing.
They're hidden and unmotivated to really involve themselves, so they need to be looked after and brought out of their shells.
The most famous might be Tomoko Kuroki from Watashi.
An undere prefers to serve their love interest's wants.
They like to show their affection through an extreme version of 'acts of service'.
This often means carrying out their love interest's whims to do their housework.
Misa Amane in Death Note is an undere who's manipulated, which is common for these characters, unfortunately.
They're meant to show the danger in not setting boundaries as a sort of 'cautionary tale'.
Utsudere characters tend to go through an arc that causes them to become depressed.
This may be shown in the series, to explain their personality change.
Eventually, they may be able to move on from the incidents that occurred, usually through the support of other characters.
Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club is an example of an utsudere.
The most famous anime girl personalities loved by anime fans are deredere and tsundere characters.
Of course, this is up for debate, as everyone can have his own opinion.
However, you can easily find these 2 anime waifu personalities in the most memorable anime shows.
These are two of the most popular versions out there.
The most trendy dere type is doubtless the Yandere archetype.
We saw an emergence of anime and video games these last years with plots based mainly on these unique characters.
There is a range of dere types out there.
Some are calm, some are outgoing, others are terrifying!
Anime girls and waifus tend to have some sort of dere simply to describe their personality when they become flustered.
These characters are perfect for manipulating a plot.
Their exaggerated responses allow the viewers to understand the extremes of their behavior.
Yandere tropes are especially popular for this reason and their cataclysmic effect in ruining characters' lives.
Their outgoing personalities and abnormal tendencies are entertaining to witness.
This list helps us sort some anime girls' common personality traits and explains how these characters tend to act.
You could also consider making your anime room around your favorite anime character for those who found an appreciated waifu trait.
What's about your personal choice?
Let us know what you think on Instagram!
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by Emma Howes February 11, 2022
Nowadays, it's not a secret that anime fans are passionate about their favorite art form. Watching new episodes every day, getting your hands on anime collectibles, and discussing them is a regular pastime for many of us. So it only makes sense that we want them to reflect our love for the genre when it comes to our living spaces!
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